
Monster Hunter International the Miniatures Game

Created by Everything Epic

An Epic Miniatures Skirmish Game for 2 players! Based on NY Times Best Selling Author Larry Correia's Monster Hunter International! We have a limited amount of items for sale at the moment in our Preorder Store. We plan to enter shipping prices closer to fulfillment to get an accurate fulfillment quote for backers. We will send you an update when shipping prices are entered.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

MHI February Update - Pledge Manager / Backerkit Coming Soon!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 10:51:05 AM

Hello Monster Hunters!

We usually try and do at least one update a month, and in January, we kept holding off because the Pledge manager was just about ready, but we were waiting on the best fulfillment quotes we could find... by then, it was early February, and now the Pledge Manager is prepared with proper shipping prices.  

How do "Backerkit/Pledge Managers" work?

First, we will conduct a "Smoke Test" that will be happening today!. The Smoke Test sends a small amount of pledge manager invites to test that everything works as intended.  Our Smoke test will get sent out in 2 waves.  The reason for the extra precaution is some of the pledges have multiple options, such as shirt sizes. We want to make sure all of these are working correctly.  Please check your email to see if you received an email. Once the smoke test is complete and reviewed, the pledge manager will go live. This will be roughly a week after this update.  When the full pledge manager is live, we will post another update and let you all know.  

As always, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with any issues or concerns, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Game Progress to the Printer

The game is DONE, Playtested, and nearly ready for print! The last few items that have taken the longest to complete are some finalization in Graphic Design and our last few 3D Models from the Stretch Goals. These delays have been caused by our 3D Modeler getting Covid and, unfortunately, not coming back to work after giving them a reasonable amount of time to return; we never just haven't heard from them again. We tried contacting them many times but have heard absolutely nothing. Very unfortunate as they had nearly everything done already. After the delay we've hired a new 3D Sculpting Firm to finish the job for the last few models, hopefuly they can get those done quick and up to our standard. 

We hope to get this project to the printer by the end of MARCH. Unfortunately, that means we won't be delivered to backers until this Fall. However, we know you'd rather the product be RIGHT and the BEST Models possible, a little late, than be Wrong with BAD models. We appreciate your support and patience while we finish these last few models.  We will show off more art and models in future updates. For now check out the art for Chad Oliver Gardenier the last unlock of the campaign! 

You're the Best Backers in the World!

MHI New Year Update
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 02, 2023 at 02:03:24 PM

Hello Epic Backers!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope you had a happy and safe holiday season.  We are currently in the stage where there is less to report.  We are still working behind the scenes,  but during the holiday season  most places slow or shut down.  Now that the Near Year is here, we will be pushing everything full throttle forward again.

At the end of the year we like to reflect on what was accomplished, where we fell short, how we can improve, and what we did right. We strive always to learn and grow from success and mistakes, better our products, increase quality, service, and of course, deliver more Epic. We cannot say thank you enough for the support you, the backers, have given us. Freight, shipping, and fulfillment have been more challenging than ever. Thank you so much for being understanding and patient with us.

2023 marks a truly Epic milestone for Everything Epic, our 10-year anniversary. After 10 years, we are going strong and are even more passionate about games than when Everything Epic was founded. We are extremely excited to ring in the new year and will announce some truly Epic projects. Our 1st announcement to Celebrate our 10 year is a brand new logo! It can be seen at the bottom!  If you have been with us from day 1 or cracked your 1st Everything Epic product open yesterday, thank you, and we hope you are excited to see what we have planned for the future.

As always, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with any issues or concerns, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

From Everything Epic to you, we hope you have a happy, healthy, and safe New Year, and thank you.

You're the Best Backers in the World!

MHI November Update
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 01:28:07 PM

Hello Monster Hunters!

This month we want to show you a sketch of the legend himselfLarry Correia! Can I get a Hoon? 

We are excited to bring this to the table and are working with the 3-d sculptor to make it happen.

We are making progress in every aspect of the game such as layout, editing, development, and testing. That is not all! We are also looking at printers and fulfillment. the prices weren't quite what we like and we want to make sure not only the prices but the quality are up to par. 

The pledge manager is built but won't be ready until we finalize a fulfillment agreement. This will most likely happen in early 2023. 

As we come into the holiday season we hope everyone is safe and healthy! 

If you have any questions or concerns please email us at [email protected] 

You're the Best Backers in the World!

MHI October Update
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 05:37:13 AM

Hello Monster Hunters!

Let's start by showing off some of the art and miniatures that have been completed since our last update for MHI.

G-gnome and crew

Both 3-D modeling and art is coming along and we are quite pleased with how it is shaping up. As the models and art move along we will be starting to layout the rulebook and get it edited. 

That brings us to the pledge manager. The pledge manager still isn't ready, while we know it is taking longer than usual, we feel it's for the best while we shop around for Fulfillment and give backers the best most accurate prices. We don't want to ask for more money later and we don't want to overcharge you now. 

You're the Best Backers in the World!

MHI August Update
about 2 years ago – Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 03:28:06 PM

Monster Hunters!

Let me start by once again saying Thank You! It is because of your support we have been extremely 

busy since the campaign ended. Designing characters, playtesting, art, sculpting, editing, and more. It is a labor of love as a fan to bring these characters to life on the table and you are to thank for that!

Pledge Manager 

We have also been working on getting the pledge manager up and running.  The Pledge Manager is where you will be able to upgrade your pledge, add on extra items, and pay for your shipping and give all shipping info and addresses. We will send out multiple emails about it once it's live as well as put out an update. We aren't quite ready yet as we are in communication with different fulfillment companies to get the best price possible. 


For this preview, we want to show off someone unlocked late in the campaign. Stricken! As soon as Stricken was unlocked his art was started. Stricken is a mysterious and polarizing character and we are very excited to show you his character art!

What's next?

We will continue to work on all aspects of MHI, prioritizing getting the pledge manager up and running. Be on the lookout for the next update and pledge manager email when it goes live! 

You're the Best Backers in the World!