
Monster Hunter International the Miniatures Game

Created by Everything Epic

An Epic Miniatures Skirmish Game for 2 players! Based on NY Times Best Selling Author Larry Correia's Monster Hunter International! We have a limited amount of items for sale at the moment in our Preorder Store. We plan to enter shipping prices closer to fulfillment to get an accurate fulfillment quote for backers. We will send you an update when shipping prices are entered.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

MHI Happy New Year 2024 / Quick Manufacturing Update
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 08:55:55 AM

Hello Backers! 

Apologies for being a little late, but we wanted to wish all of you a happy, safe, and healthy New Year! 

Unfortunately, we were getting bed rest, drinking a lot of water, and keeping warm with chicken noodle soup. sickness took us out of commission for the holidays, we are back fully recovered and excited to burst into 2024 knowing that MHI will be reaching your hands this year!


Our manufacturer Longpack, told us the Molds for the Miniatures will be complete by January 28th 2024!  And in the next few weeks we should have a substantial update from the manufacturer and we will share it with you all as soon as we do!

So if all goes well with production - we should be shipping out of manufacturer by March, freighting the games through April and you should have your games in your hand by around May. This is a conservative estimate (February is Chinese New Year so they take nearly the whole month of from work) 


We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your epic support, we could not do this without you. 

As always, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with any issues or concerns, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Please include the game you are referring to in the subject line so we can assist you as fast as possible.

You're the Best Backers in the World!

MHI Optional Survey Final Reminder 48 HOURS LEFT
9 months ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 08:10:27 AM

All-In Reward Upgrades! (Backer Requested!) REMINDER 48 HOURS LEFT 

requested countless times by backers to us via e-mail, comments, messages, and at conventions! Extra Mini Sets!)

Many backers have asked if they can swap their T-shirts from their All-In Pledges for something else like Miniatures, we said we'd try to figure something out... and we have! We have decided to make an optional swap for those backers who have pledged for the ALL IN - EVERYTHING EPIC or ALL IN SWAG pledges... and swap T-Shirts for Complete Set of all Miniatures instead!

This would remove the Three (3) T-shirts from your pledge and add a The Full Set of the 27 plastic Minis in a Foam Holder Box in their stead! This is Completely OPTIONAL and COMPLETELY FREE! In order to request this change, you'll receive a GOOGLE FORM via EMAIL that you will fill out within the next 2 (48 HOURS left) days to let us know what you'd like to do!  Not Interested? No Problem! Everything stays the same! This offer is for Backers Only!

How to Swap T-Shirts to Minis:

We have sent out an email to eligible backers with a simple GOOGLE FORM and if you want to swap the T-shirts for MINIS you simply select that option and you're done! The poll will only be open for 2 more days (48 hours) , once the time is up, we will give final quantities to our manufacturer. If you do not want to swap you can select the No option or disregard the Form and everything else stays the same.

If you cant find it in your email, the Iink to Survey is HERE <-- 

Thanks everyone so much for your Epic Patience and Support!

You're the Best Backers in the World!

MHI Optional Survey Reminder
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 11:12:12 AM

All-In Reward Upgrades! (Backer Requested!) REMINDER 

The manufacturer also told us that we have a window to increase our quantities without starting a new print run. This brought up an opportunity for us to address something that has been requested countless times by backers to us via e-mail, comments, messages, and at conventions! Extra Mini Sets!)

Many backers have asked if they can swap their T-shirts from their All-In Pledges for something else like Miniatures, we said we'd try to figure something out... and we have! We have decided to make an optional swap for those backers who have pledged for the ALL IN - EVERYTHING EPIC or ALL IN SWAG pledges... and swap T-Shirts for Complete Set of all Miniatures instead!

This would remove the Three (3) T-shirts from your pledge and add a The Full Set of the 27 plastic Minis in a Foam Holder Box in their stead! This is Completely OPTIONAL and COMPLETELY FREE! In order to request this change, you'll receive a GOOGLE FORM via EMAIL that you will fill out within the next 14 (7 days left) days to let us know what you'd like to do!  Not Interested? No Problem! Everything stays the same! This offer is for Backers Only!

How to Swap T-Shirts to Minis:

We will be sending out an email to eligible backers with a simple GOOGLE FORM and if you want to swap the T-shirts for MINIS you simply select that option and you're done! The poll will only be open for 2 weeks (ONE WEEK LEFT) , once the time is up, we will give final quantities to our manufacturer. If you do not want to swap you can select the No option or disregard the Form and everything else stays the same. 

Thanks everyone so much for your Epic Patience and Support!

You're the Best Backers in the World!

MHI December Update with Timeline - All-In Backer Form Incoming!
9 months ago – Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 01:37:11 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

MHI November Update
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 11:43:07 AM

Hello Backers!

We want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you have a happy and safe holiday and weekend!

You're the Best Backers in the World!